Finalizing Malware Analysis Environment

So earlier this week, I went over the creation of my malware analysis lab. Today I will finish setting it up

Part VI: Installing Openvm-tools

Following these directions, I was able to successfully install OpenVM Tools within my FreeBSD environment. It took a couple reboots, but everything worked as expected. It was nice to finally have something work on the first couple tries!

Part VII: Installing Xen Orchestra

This one was pretty easy. Xen Orchestra requires 4GBs of RAM, and a few dependencies specific to FreeBSD. These are:

• gmake
• redis
• python
• git
• npm
• node
• autoconf
• gifsicle
• jpeg-turbo
• optipng
• yarn
• npm
• node

Easily enough, all of these packages can be installed with:

pkg install gmake redis python git npm node autoconf jpeg-turbo optipng gifsicle npm node

After everything is installed, you can then follow the official documentation. Once built, configured, logged in, and attached to your XenServer, it will look like this:

FreeBSD running Xen Orchestra

Part VIII: Implement Firewall Rules

Out of everything in the lab, this is the absolute most important. Without adequate firewall rules, the Windows 7 VM can interact with anything on the network. This is… not good. Especially considering most malware nowadays can spread at the speed of light. So, we will need to implement rules in order to protect everything on the network. Currently, my router acts as my firewall, so we will configure it from there.

The first part is to connect the XenServer to an open port, and assign a new VLAN to it. For my setup, the server is connected to port 3 and I have assigned it VLAN 12:

Buffalo DD-WRT VLAN Page

This will reboot the router, and once the router comes back up, port 3 no longer has access to the network. We can identify this from our previously connected XenCenter reports the XenServer offline:

RIP to XenCenter. It was good while it lasted

Now its time to configure our VLAN. I labeled it “To MAL”, enabled NAT masquerade, net isolation, and assigned an IP address of The DHCP server is set to start at .35 and have a maximum of 5 IPs:

Finally, I have to write the firewall rules, which will have to come later. Until next time!