New Malware Analysis Lab

After several weeks and a trip to Goodwill, I have successfully implemented my malware analysis lab as envisioned!

Part I: The Setup

My network is as follows:

Network Diagram

I have the Edgerouter X serving several VLANs, but there are two in particular that I will discuss today. The two ethernet ports on the XenServer serve two purposes: one ethernet port connects to the VLAN aware switch and provides management functions, and the other is used by the VMs for a network connection. This network connection is connected to a Debian PC with two ethernet ports bridged together. That way I can snoop on any network activity silently to the VM. I can also break

Along with this upgraded network, I have revamped all of my firewall settings:

Firewall settings

In this, let’s look at VLAN400 (my PC and its VMs), VLAN325 (XenServer MGMT), and ETH1 (both IN and LOCAL). ETH1 has the largest group of firewall policies (11 in total) than any other network. For IN, it can not communicate with any of the VLANs except for the FreeBSD VM located at, but only if it originates on the Debian PC. This way, I can have a full two full virtual layers of protection between this network and the rest of the network. If malware were to escape to my main PC, its chain of infection would be either:

Infected VM -> XenServer itself -> FreeBSD VM -> PC


Infected VM -> Debian PC -> FreeBSD VM -> PC

ETH1-IN Firewall Rules

For ETH1 LOCAL, it has two simple rules: Allow port 53 to the router, and deny everything else. This way, any VMs are unable to attack the switch itself through any of the VLAN IPs.

ETH1-LOCAL firewall rules

VLAN325 (the XenServer MGMT VLAN) has a similar firewall policy. It can only communicate with the FreeBSD VM:

All of this configuration is well and good, but does it work? All the configuration in the world does you no good if it simply doesn’t work in the first place!

Part II: Testing the configuration

Can my PC ping the Debian PC or the XenServer IP in the 10 network?


Can my PC ping the XenServer MGMT IP?

Also nope.

Can the XenVM ping the PC?

Again, nope

Can it ping the 10 network’s switch IP?


With our simple ping test, we can conclude that the firewall rules are working as expected. To confirm, I did do an NMAP scan of 192.168.40.* with the following commands:
nmap -T4 -d -v -F -Pn

Sure enough, not a single packet returned!

NMAP scan from XenVM

However, the 10 network isn’t so lucky. The switch gateway has DNS open; the Debian PC has ports 7, 9, 13, 21, 22, 25, 37, 53, 79, 80, 110, 113, 990, 995, and 3389 open; and the XenServer has ports 22, 80, and 443 open. I’m sure the iptables firewall could close the XenServer ports, but the open ports on the Debian PC are due to two programs I’ve installed.

Part III: PolarProxy and INetSim

By using this guide, we can capture, intercept, and blackhole any communication between the VM and the outside world. INetSim INetSim is an Internet Services Simulator Suite, and it provides simulation for popular protocols, such as HTTP/S, FTP/S, SMTP/S, and others. PolarProxy is a transparent SSL/TLS proxy created specifically for incident responders. These two programs plus Wireshark will form the backbone of the network analysis for malware, and since this is done off of the victim VM, it is practically undetectable.

PolarProxy and INetSim in action

One thing I do have to investigate is whether or not those SSL errors are fixable. However, that is not a show-stopper in any sort of the imagination! Here is the guide to install both PolarProxy and INetSim.

Part IV: What’s Next?

My first foray into serious malware analysis was in 2019. I was running a Windows VM within VMWare with an active internet connection and shared folders enabled. Fast forward a year and four months later, I have dedicated equipment and a very mature network and firewall setup. I think it has come time to do actual research on my setup and see just how well it can perform. As far as any upgrades to the existing setup, I would like to move the FreeBSD VM to its own PC altogether. After that, I would like to fully physically segment my lab network from everything else. Even up to the point of having its own router!

Home Network Upgrade

During the last post, I got to adding a separate network for the malware analysis server to sit on. When I clicked on save and update, the router refused to work correctly. Sadly, I could not get it to stop boot looping or keep the router powered on. After that, I reverted my changes, bought a new router, and prayed that it stayed healthy long enough to switch to the new router.

My new router

I decided on a Ubiquiti EdgeRouter X. Small form factor, able to deliver gigabit speeds, and packed with all the settings I am accustomed to having. I got it plugged in, configured, and tried to change my wireless router to a switch. It totally failed at that point. I then had to buy a new wireless access point.

My new Wireless Access Point

I ended up deciding on a Ubuquiti Unifi AP-AC Lite for my access point needs. It too has the features I am accustomed to having. It made for a simple setup that was painless and user friendly.

Finally, my last goal was to enable VLAN tagging on the AP and the router. After 15 factory resets, I now have VLANs enabled on the router. Woo!

VLAN Setup

It definitely took a while to get everything configured, and I probably should have recorded the steps I took, but the information is out on the internet. Perhaps its a topic for a different day.

What’s Next?

The next pressing matter I have is I want to create a program where I can upload malicious files for later analysis. After that, then I can finish setting up the analysis lab and do the analysis on the Clop sample I located.